HDFC Securities Brokerage Charges 2024 | Fees, Plan, and Taxes

HDFC securities Account Opening Enquiry

HDFC Securities Brokerage Review

HDFC Securities is the most renowned financial service providing company which is a subsidiary of private bank HDFC. It provides the both online trading and the trading on the go i.e. mobile or tab. It facilitates its customers with a unique HDFC 3 in 1 account feature that integrates your HDFC securities trading account with the existing HDFC bank savings account and the existing demat account. HDFC securities 3 in-1 account helps in the smooth movement of funds or shares from the Demat or bank account to execute the transactions.

HDFC Securities avails its customers with the Cash-n-Carry on both the NSE and BSE, day trading on both the NSE and BSE, trade on the Futures & Options on the NSE and the online IPO investment. HDFC securities brokerage and other charges are explained well.

HDFC securities Brokerage Details

A customer has to pay a commission amount at the time of buying and selling stocks through HDFC securities. This commission is known as HDFC securities brokerage charges. HDFC securities brokerage rate and brokerage charged by HDFC securities depend upon the trading segment. Segment wise HDFC securities brokerage charges rate and HDFC securities brokerage reports are given below. The below table shows the HDFC securities basic brokerage charges.


Brokerage Charged

Monthly Fee (Fixed)


Equity Delivery


Equity Intraday


Equity Futures


Equity Options

₹100 per lot or 1% of the premium (whichever is high)

Currency Futures

₹23 per contract

Currency Options

₹20 per contract

Commodity Futures

0.02% for Intraday/ 0.025% for Positional

Commodity Options

₹100 per lot


HDFC Securities Brokerage Guidelines

HDFC basic brokerage charges are applicable when you do not choose any other HDFC brokerage plans and it is the HDFC securities standard brokerage charges. As per the above HDFC securities flat brokerage structure, HDFC securities brokerage charges on delivery in equity is 0.50%,and HDFC securities brokerage charges for delivery in MCX is 0.25%. HDFC securities brokerage for intraday trading in HDFC securities equity brokerage segments is 0.05% and HDFC securities brokerage charges for equity segments are also the same.

As per HDFC securities brokerage house charges, HDFC securities brokerage options in equity and HDFC securities brokerage for options trading in currency and commodities are different and given above. Brokerage structure of HDFC securities is very simple. HDFC securities brokerage percentage and brokerage charges of HDFC securities are different for each segment and each plan explained well below.

HDFC Securities Brokerage Plans

Apart from the above, there are various other HDFC securities new brokerage plans as there is HDFC securities brokerage reduction as compare to its previous plans. HDFC Securities brokerage charges plans are given below:

HDFC securities brokerage charges for intraday is the HDFC securities minimum brokerage in all of the above plans. HDFC securities day trading brokerage charges and intraday brokerage charges HDFC securities is the same thing. Brokerage plans of HDFC securities starts from HDFC securities brokerage 199 plan and HDFC securities brokerage 1999 plan is also very famous. HDFC securities 4999 plan and HDFC securities 5999 plan has same brokerage rate and are the HDFC securities low brokerage plans but the difference between the both of these plans is that HDFC securities brokerage 4999 plan does not offers zero HDFC securities ETF brokerage while HDFC securities brokerage 5999 plan offers zero ETF brokerage in HDFC securities. Another plan that’s offers HDFC securities zero brokerage plans brokerage on ETF HDFC securities is HDFC securities 3999 plan.

HDFC Securities Brokerage Value Plans - Lifetime Validity

Also, HDFC securities brokerage offers lifetime validity of HDFC securities brokerage schemes, which customer just have to pay one-time charges to choose these lifetime validity HDFC securities brokerage plan. These HDFC securities brokerage kit and HDFC securities brokerage group has various features for HDFC securities brokerage for preferred customer HDFC securities brokerage structure of these plans is given below.


Value 30

Value 25

Value 20

Value 15

Value Plan Charges (One time)





Free Equity Delivery Volume#





Free Equity Delivery Volume Validity

360 days

360 days

360 days

360 days

Equity Intraday Brokerage from Day 1





Post Free Volume/ Post Free Volume Validity Equity Delivery Brokerage





Options (Per order)





Futures (Per order)





HDFC Securities Brokerage Charges NRI

HDFC securities NRI brokerage plan has different HDFC securities NRI brokerage charges for NRI customers. HDFC securities brokerage for NRI or HDFC securities brokerage NRI charges segment wise is given below:


Brokerage Charges

Equity Delivery

0.75% or min ₹25 or ceiling of 2.5% on transaction value

Futures Intraday

0.025% or min ₹25 or ceiling of 2.5% of transaction value

Futures Delivery

0.05% or min ₹25 or ceiling of 2.5% of transaction value


Higher of 1% of the premium amount or ₹100 per lot

Other Charges

There are some other charges charged by this full-service broker. The charges include the Transaction Charges, STT and more. The Transaction charge is the combination of the Exchange Turnover Charge and Trade Clearing Charge.

HDFC Securities Transaction Charges


Transaction Fee

Equity Delivery


Equity Intraday


Equity Futures


Equity Options

0.050% (On premium)

Currency Futures


Currency Options

0.040% (On premium)

Commodity Futures


Commodity Options


Securities Trading Taxes

HDFC Securities are the charges that the government taxes and the fees in addition to the brokerage rate of HDFC securities. The HDFC STT charges are shown in the contract note sent to the customer at the end of the day.

HDFC Securities Tax on Trading (STT Charges)



Equity Delivery

0.1% on both Buy and Sell

Equity Intraday

0.025% on the Sell Side

Equity Futures

0.01% on Sell Side

Equity Options

0.05% on Sell Side (On Premium)

Currency Futures


Currency Options


Commodity Futures

0.01% on sell side (Non-Agri)

Commodity Options

0.05% on sell side

On Exercise Transaction


Right to Entitlement

0.05% on Sell Side


Stamp Duty Charges



Equity Delivery (Buy Side)


Equity Intraday (Buy Side)


Equity Futures (Buy Side)


Equity Options (Buy Side)


Currency Futures (Buy Side)


Currency Options (Buy Side)


Commodity Futures


Commodity Options

0.003% (MCX)

18% on (Brokerage + Transaction Charges + SEBI fee)
• SEBI Charges
0.0001% (₹10 per Cr.)

Features of HDFC Securities

1. Smooth Transactions: It carries the transactions smoothly by integrating the accounts and ensuring that there must be minimal waste of time during the movement of funds and shares.
2. Instant order placement: Since the orders are placed electronically. Thus, they are available instantly.
3. Manipulation: An email confirmation is sent to prevent any mismanagement.
4. Security and Safety: It offers the highest level of security such as 128- bit encryption technology.

For any HDFC securities brokerage help and issues, customers can find the HDFC securities brokerage calculator/ brokerage calculator of HDFC securities on its official website for exact brokerage charges of HDFC Demat Account. Calculate HDFC securities brokerage. Brokerage calculator for HDFC securities has HDFC securities delivery brokerage calculator and HDFC securities intraday brokerage calculator/ HDFC sec intraday brokerage calculator to HDFC securities brokerage intraday.

Comments for HDFC Securities Brokerage Charges 2024 | Fees, Plan, and Taxes



Frequently Asked Questions

After HDFC securities brokerage login on website or any trading software, customers can their HDFC securities brokerage plan.
Brokerage is a commission charged by HDFC securities or any of the stock broker whenever you place a buy or sell order. It offers various brokerage plans and HDFC securities margin brokerage to choose from which you can check above.
₹750 is the demat account AMC that is waived off for the first year. The charges will be charged from the next year.
Download the HDFC securities demat account nomination form from the HDFC securities official account. Fill this form and submit it to the nearest HDFC securities branch.
Brokerage charges in HDFC securities starts from 0.05% and depends on the brokerage plan of HDFC securities chosen by you.
The Pay out of funds or securities is credited within the business day post receipt of the funds or securities from the exchange. As an internal practise, we try and effect the pay out in T+2 days.
• NRE/NRO Regular Savings Account with any branch in India. • NRE/NRO PIS Savings Account with the designated branch. • NRE/NRO PIS Permission through HDFC Bank. • NRE/NRO Demat Account with HDFC Bank. • NRI Trading Account with HSL.
HDFC securities is a stock broker that offers various stock broking services to the customers, and it is a subsidiary of HDFC bank.
HDFC securities discount brokerage charges start from 0.05% and depends upon the brokerage plan chosen by you.
Only the users with HDFC securities demat account zero balance holdings can opt for online HDFC securities demat account closing process. Just write an email to form the registered email ID containing all required information related to your HDFC securities demat account and demat account closing reason for HDFC securities demat account closure online.
Visit the official website of HDFC securities and click on open an account. Fill the account opening form with required details and documents.
The application is processed at CPU and then it is forwarded to the HDFC Bank for the linking or opening of the bank and depository accounts. Once the savings and DP accounts are opened, the securities trading account is opened and then the details of all the accounts and the TIN, passwords, etc. are sent to you. If the application remains un processed because of any missing details then the customers will be contacted by the representative.
Yes, the NRIs can borrow against share or other securities. However, the loan must be utilized for meeting the requirement of borrower for his own business purposes.
HDFC securities is a well-known full-service stock broker of India and is a subsidiary of HDFC bank. This stock is considered as safe.
Yes. A POA holder can manage portfolio on the behalf of NRIs. However, he cannot affect remittance outside India. With the Internet trading, life of NRIs has become easy for the portfolio investments.
Login to HDFC securities trading platform, see the details of your account and you can download HDFC securities demat account statement from there.
Visit official website of HDFC securities to check HDFC securities brokerage charges plan or find the detailed charges above.
HDFC Securities is good at offering the qualitative trading and investment services to all of its users.
Visit the official website of HDFC securities and click on open an account. Fill the account opening form with required details and documents.
HDFC securities brokerage fees depends upon the HDFC brokerage plan chosen by you. Intraday trading brokerage charges HDFC securities starts from 0.05%.
Yes, you can start trading after opening an account. You just need to have funds in the bank account or stocks with your Depository Participant.
A cut off price is the offer price that is finalised by a company in consultation with the book running lead managers (BRLMs), that could be any price within the price band. It is different from a floor price that is the minimal price at which the bids can be made.
Refer to the above table to calculate HDFC securities brokerage broker charges or visit the official website of HDFC securities for HDFC securities brokerage charges calculator.
HDFC Bank Demat Account is the easiest, safest and the most convenient way of storing the investments. Now, open the demat account without any charges and then combine a trading account and a savings account to seamlessly bank and invest.
Yes, HDFC offers demat account facility via HDFC securities which is a subsidiary of HDFC bank.
HDFC bank securities brokerage charges can be calculated with the help of brokerage calculator available on its official website. Visit the HDFC securities brokerage home on its official website.
The user Id will be sent to you once the account is opened along with the account details. The password and TIN will be dispatched to you separately by the secured mail.
Yes, an email address is compulsory to open an account with HDFC Security.
In NRE PIS Permission, all the holders should be the NRIs. In case of NRO PIS Permission NRO PIS Account jointly with the resident only on former or survivor basis.
HDFC Pro Terminal is a paid platform. The firm charges an annual fee of ₹1,999 from customers.
The “Limit Price” shall mean that the price limit must be specified by the client to the HDFC Securities up to which the price the stop loss limit order for the cover order can get executed. The “margin” shall mean that the total amount must be made available by the client to HDFC Securities for taking a Cover Order Position under this facility.
HDFC securities ltd brokerage charges depend upon the brokerage plan chosen by you. Always consider your trading frequency, trading quantity, HDFC securities brokerage holdings and type of services or you want to avail before choosing HDFC securities brokerage plans. Some of its brokerage plans also offers HDFC securities free brokerage on ETFs.
The PIS account are always opened as per the holding pattern of the demat account. Thus, if the demat account exists in the combination of A+B+C, then the PIS permission too would be in combination of A+B+C. However, the Bank account can be solely in the name of A.
HDFC securities demat account holds the shares in electronic form and it is mandatory to have a demat account along with trading account as per the government guidelines to trade or invest in Indian stock market.
No, we don’t provide the three in one trading account to USA & Canada based NRIs and PIOs.
You can link up to five HDFC Bank saving bank account and five HDFC Bank demat accounts to your trading account.
Demat balance is the shares that are available in your HDFC securities demat account.
Login with HDFC Securities trading website and then click on IPO button on the top navigation bar to see the list of current IPOs/FDs. Click on apply of the IPO that you would like to apply for. On Place order page choose the select investor status (i.e. ASBA Retail), enter the order information and then click on proceed.

HDFC securities Reviews