Usha Financial Services Limited IPO Review & Recommendations
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Usha Financial Services Limited IPO Review
usha financial services limited otherwise
indicated, the industry-market data in this section is derived from the “NBFC
Industry Report” dated 29 June 2024 prepared by Infomerics Analytics and
Research Private Limited (the “Infomerics Report”) or (“Infomerics”). in the
19th century. According to their contract document with the company, Infomerix
had worked on the preparation of the Infomerix Report. usha finance private
limited commissioned and paid for an Infomerics report to confirm their understanding
of the project for the specific purpose of the concept.
Their Company was incorporated under the
Companies Act, 1956 as a Private Company with the name and form of “Usha
Financial Services Private Limited” bearing Certificate of Incorporation no.
U74899DL1995PTC068604 by the Registrar of Companies, Delhi dated 16th May 1995.
Usha Financial Services Limited Products and Services
usha financial services limited firm ensures
that the loan process is efficient, smooth and transparent, with a fast
turnaround time (TAT) and a strong focus on customer satisfaction. These loans are based on EMIs with
competitive interest rates and other favorable terms. All disbursements are made through banking,
directly into the customer’s account.
usha financial services pvt ltd credit facility
is key to effectively overseeing their credit rating, providing critical
decision-making and business support.
These programs cover all aspects of loan life asset management, core
financial services, risk management, document management, customer service.
They use Vexil software developed by Vexil Infotech as their primary financial
software solution to meet all business need’s role. usha financial services ltd
software increases efficiency in supporting activities such as credit
management, collections management, field employee follow-up, and reporting on
loan collection data. Their technical team oversees the day-to-day
implementation and use of the software, ensuring that their employees are
properly trained and proficient in its operation.
company is involved in the provision of financial services with a particular
focus on B2B. It continued to improve its top ranking during the reporting
period. Based on FY25 annual earnings, the transaction seems expensive.
Management is confident that margins will be maintained going forward with the
IPO financing. Well-informed investors can invest the right amount of money
over the long term.