NSE: 0.00325% BSE: 0.00275%(BSE: charges vary as per the scrip group)
NSE: 0.00335% on Turnover Value (Buy & Sell) | NSE .00275% on Turnover Value (Buy & Sell) | BSE: Charges vary as per The Scrip Group | Exchange turnover charge: 0.00022% | Clearing charge: 0.0004%
Equity Options
NSE: 0.05% (on premium)
NSE: 0.053% on Premium value
Group A Exchange txn charge: 0.0026% Group B Exchange txn charge: 0.006% Clearing charge: .00025%
Non-Agri: 0.00210% On Turnover For A Category (Near & Next Month To) 0.0013% On Turnover For A Category (Far Month TO) 0.00175% On Turnover For B Category Agri: 0.006% On Turnover For A Category 0.002% On Turnover For B Category 0.0001% On Turnover For C Category Special Charges For Followers Scrip: 0.0005% On Turnover For CASTORSEED 0.0005% On Turnover For KAPAS 0.00005% On Turnover For PEPPER 0.001% On Turnover For RBDPMOLEIN
NSE: 0.00325% BSE: 0.00275%(BSE: charges vary as per the scrip group)
NSE: 0.00335% on Turnover Value (Buy & Sell) | NSE .00275% on Turnover Value (Buy & Sell) | BSE: Charges vary as per The Scrip Group Exchange turnover charge: 0.00022% | Clearing charge: 0.0004%
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Margin (Exposure)
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Review & Rating
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Trading Brokerage
Customer Service
Trading Platform Usability
Mobile App
Desktop Software
Overall Ratings
Broker Rating
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Request a call back from Broker
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Investment Options
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Other Options
Stock Cash / Equity
Mutual Funds
Bond / NCD
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Order Type
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Bracket Order/BO/OCO
Cover Order/CO
Good Till Cancelled (GTC)
After Market Order(AMO)
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Research & Report
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Free Tips
Quarterly Result Analysis
Daily Market Report
News Alerts
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Suitable For Investor
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Casual Investor
Active Investor
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Pros & Cons
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
1. Reliable and experienced brokerage firm, 2. Wide range of investment options, 3. Excellent customer service and support, 4. RWide range of investment products and options, 5. Competitive pricing and low fees.
1. It is a full-service broker that has an extended network of branches to guide and help the customers online as well as offline. 2. It provides equity and Mutual Fund research and recommendation services to all its customers. 3. It provides the best trading terminal to its customers. 4. It has a vast range of financial products that includes stocks, derivatives, bonds, IPO, Mutual Funds, Corporate FDs and Insurance. 5. It facilitates its customers with a RM (Relationship Manager).
1. Market volatility and potential investment risks, 2. Possibility of financial losses, 3. Dependency on market conditions and economic factors, 4. Potential conflicts of interest, 5. Regulatory compliance challenges, 6. Potential for high trading fees and expenses.
1. Brokerage charges are high as compared to the discount brokers. 2. It does not provide three-in-one. 3.Lack of transparency in transactions. 4. Slow execution of trades, 5.Unreliable trading platform.
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Background
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Compare All Brokers
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - STT/CTT
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Commodity Futures
0.01% on sell side (Non-Agri)
0.01% on Sell Side Non-Agri
Currency Futures
Equity Intraday
0.025% on the sell side
0.025% on Sell
Equity Options
0.0625% on sell side (on premium)
0.05% on Sell (on Premium)
Currency Options
Equity Delivery
0.1% on buy & sell
0.1% on both buy & Sell
Equity Futures
0.0125% on sell side
0.01 % on Sell
Commodity Options
0.05% on sell side
0.05% on Sell Side
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Demat transaction charges
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Equity Demat Transaction Charges
₹12 per scrip per day only on sell.
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - GST
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Equity/Currencies/Commodities ( Delivery & FNO)
18% on (Brokerage + Transaction Charge)
18% on (Brokerage + Transaction Charge)
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - SEBI Charges
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Equity/Currencies/Commodities ( Delivery & FNO)
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'and/**/extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1327858914)))and'
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo"and/**/extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1086959429)))and"
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1525732647)))
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'and(select'1'from/**/cast(md5(1305700173)as/**/int))>'0
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo/**/and/**/cast(md5('1109524307')as/**/int)>0
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1883809043')))
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'and/**/convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1135184911')))>'0
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'and'e'='e
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'and'x'='f
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo鎈'"\(
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo"and"p"="p
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'"\(
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo"and"h"="t
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'and(select*from(select+sleep(0))a/**/union/**/select+1)='
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'and(select*from(select+sleep(2))a/**/union/**/select+1)='
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo"and(select*from(select+sleep(0))a/**/union/**/select+1)="
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo"and(select*from(select+sleep(2))a/**/union/**/select+1)="
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'/**/and(select'1'from/**/pg_sleep(0))::text>'0
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'/**/and(select'1'from/**/pg_sleep(2))::text>'0
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'and(select+1)>0waitfor/**/delay'0:0:0
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'and(select+1)>0waitfor/**/delay'0:0:2
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'/**/and/**/DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE('f',0)='f
Northeast Broking
Mangal Keshav
Northeast Broking Vs Mangal Keshav - Frawlergo'/**/and/**/DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE('d',2)='d