Zerodha is CDSL or NSDL


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Zerodha is CDSL or NSDL

Zerodha is a popular online discount brokerage firm that has become a popular choice for Indian investors and traders. Founded in 2010 by Nitin Kamath, Zerodha has rapidly grown in popularity due to its innovative trading platform, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service.

One of the most important aspects of any brokerage firm is the depository they are associated with. Depositories are financial institutions that hold and maintain securities on behalf of their clients. In India, there are two main depositories - the Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL) and the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL).

So, is Zerodha associated with CDSL or NSDL? The answer is that Zerodha is associated with both depositories. A Demat account is a kind of account used to store securities (Stocks) electronically. It is mandatory for anyone who wants to invest or trade in the Indian stock market. If you opened a Zerodha account before September 15, 2015, you would have an IL&FS(DP) demat account; otherwise, your demat will be with NSDL (Depository). If you opened an account after September 15, 2015, your demat would be with CDSL(Depository).


Zerodha is associated with both CDSL and NSDL. Both CDSL and NSDL are well-regulated and offer efficient and secure depository services.

 Open Your Demat Account with Zerodha

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