How to connect Zerodha Kite to Amibroker
Zerodha is one of the largest brokers across India with approx. 9+ million clients contributing to over 15% of all retail order volumes in India daily by trading and investing in different segments like Future and Options, Commodity derivatives, currency derivatives and also in Stocks and IPOs, Mutual Fund investments schemes, Bonds.
Steps to connect Zerodha kite to Amibroker
1. You will have to open a trading account with zerodha.
2. Amibroker software license – There are 3 versions given below
• Standard Edition: Rs 12500
• Professional Edition: Rs 17600
• Ultimate Pack Pro Edition: Rs 25800
3. Zerodha provides data for Amibroker at a special price as low as
Rs 990/month for its clients.
Check out the link for more details.
You can contact to online support team of Global Data Feeds with your zerodha client ID.
4. Amibroker Trading plugin cost is zero, but you will have to subscribe to Plus Trading plugin to place orders on Zerodha Trader which costs Rs 250/month.
Trial Process
Zerodha has tie up with Global Data Feeds, you can get a 3 dys free trail for both the amibroker software license and for live data feed. To avail this trial, you can contact to online support.
Zerodha also provides a 5-day free trial for the “Plus trading plugin” and you just need to send an email to requesting for trial.
By just using the Amibroker you cannot make profitable trades, you need to be proficient at your Technical Analysis, you can use Amibroker and the Amibroker Trading plugin to improve the chances of you being profitable in all types of markets conditions.
Anupam jana